Thursday, March 7, 2013

Remote Terminal 1.3.1 now available

In this bugfix update I corrected the following issues:

Empty channel data messages
A friendly Remote Terminal user reported a problem with his Cisco firewalls. He could connect but when he tried to enter the password for the enable command there was some strange output (repeated password prompts) and after two entered password characters the authentication immediately failed.
With his help I was able to reproduce the problem and find the issue: after each sent channel data message (which is sent when e.g. a key press is sent to the server) followed another channel data message without any content.
This was easily fixed and apart from the connections to Cisco firewalls, where it fixes a serious issue, every other connection should benefit from this too because of the reduced overhead.

emacs should be much more useable now that Ctrl+Space correctly sends 0x00 instead of a normal Space.

Alt key combinations
Only 0-9 and a-z are working at the moment, every other Alt key combination is ignored. Because of WinRT restrictions with keyboard input I'm not sure if other Alt key combinations are possible.

Backspace and Ctrl+Backspace
Backspace now sends 0x7f (Ctrl+?) instead of 0x08 (Ctrl+H), Ctrl+Backspace now sends Ctrl+H. This is also the default setting in putty and should fix Backspace in emacs. I didn't encounter any problems with this but if anyone does please report it immediately so that I can add a connection setting for this!

Alternate screen buffer
The missing alternate screen buffer was added to the terminal emulation. This should be noticeable when quitting full-screen applications like text editors, where the screen from before starting the full-screen application will be restored.

Handling of unexpected connection terminations
I fixed a possible crash when a connection is terminated unexpectedly. This should fix stability issues with app suspending and resuming when connections are terminated while the app is suspended.

I'll try to add some useful features to the app in the next update so please bear with me if it takes longer than this one.
Thank you all for your support and for helping me find those bugs. If you find some more or if you have a feature request, you know how to reach me.


  1. How can sound be enabled on your remote terminal? I would like to hear a ping when another terminal sends me a message.

    1. What exactly do you mean when you say "when another terminal sends me a message"? Do you have a specific software in mind?

      Remote Terminal doesn't support any sound output yet. And the only sound output I am considering for a future update is when 0x07 (bell, \a) is received. Do you think that this matches your requirement?
