Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Remote Terminal 1.3.0 now available

In this update I added three requested features:

"Paste" function
You can find the Paste button on the bottom AppBar of the terminal page. I'm still trying to implement a useful "Copy" function.

Customizable base colors
The color settings can be accessed through the settings charm (default: swipe in from the right display edge or point the mouse cursor in the bottom right corner). Color settings are currently the only app settings which use the settings roaming feature of Windows Store Apps, which means they should be roamed automatically to multiple devices where you install Remote Terminal with the same Microsoft Account.

256-color support
Full support for 256 colors was added to the terminal emulation, which means you can now use your vim color schemes in Remote Terminal.

Other changes:
  • Fixed rare terminal redrawing bug (e.g. with the Ctrl+K bash command and maybe some other commands which erase part of the screen)

The next update will be focused mostly on bugfixes. If you have found a bug you want to have fixed please write a blog comment or an e-mail if you haven't already. If you mention bugs in Windows Store reviews it would be very nice if you could take the time to drop me a line or two via e-mail because then I am able to direct further questions to you which could help me in fixing the bug.

Thanks to all of you for your continued support and for the nice store reviews!


  1. Hi Stefan,

    Firstly I'd like to say well done on this app, it's exactly what I was after. A simple, full-screen replacement for Putty so I don't have to go back to the desktop all the time =)

    One thing which is bugging me a little (not sure if it's a bug, or intentional feature) is when I have finished editing a file (java, txt etc) and exit the editor, the contents of the file are still displayed. In Putty the file is removed from view and you can see your previous commands.

    I found the Putty way useful as I could leave a listing of the current directory on the screen, after I have edited a file for quick reference.

    Again, I know that your program isn't like other terminals, and that this might be an intentional feature. Just thought I'd share my experience =)


    1. Hello!

      What you describe is due to the fact that Remote Terminal doesn't yet implement the alternate screen buffer most editors (and other full-screen applications) are using.

      It works like this: when you start the editor it sends a command to the terminal to switch to the alternate screen buffer. It then clears the alternate screen buffer, paints its UI and stays there as long as the application is running. When you exit the editor it sends a command to the terminal to switch back to the normal screen buffer again, which still contains the contents it had when you originally started the editor.

      I'm committed to further enhance the terminal emulation provided by Remote Terminal and I will do so primarily on a per-request basis. Since you asked about this particular functionality I will implement it very soon (maybe already in the next update).

      There are some other incompatibilities that were reported by users either via e-mail or in Windows Store reviews. I will try to fix as much of them as possible for the next update which is, like I said in this blog post, mainly a bug fix release.

      Thanks for your feedback and your kind words, I really appreciate it!

      Best regards

    2. Hi again!

      I just wanted to tell you that I have now added support for the alternate screen buffer to the App. It will be available to you in a few days when I release the next update, then your terminal experience should be back to the way you are accustomed to.

      Best regards

    3. Great, thanks!

      I'll keep an eye out for the update.

  2. Hi Stefan,

    Great job on this software. Extremely useful. This may be a rather odd question, but how do you actually generate a private key that is recognized by Remote Terminal? I tried puttygen and those keys do not get recognized.

    Thank you!

    1. I just figured something out: I can export the private key as openSSH key, and it gets read properly by your app, but when connecting to the server, instead of displaying the command prompt, it gets stuck. The server however seems to open the session ok:

      Mar 4 08:02:29 host2 sshd[22284]: fatal: Read from socket failed: Connection reset by peer
      Mar 4 08:02:36 host2 sshd[22286]: Accepted publickey for root from port 58088 ssh2
      Mar 4 08:02:36 host2 sshd[22286]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0)
      Mar 4 08:02:36 host2 sshd[22286]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root

    2. Hello!

      Sorry about the private key format confusion. I am aware that Remote Terminal doesn't explicitly specify which formats it supports. My plan is to add support for private keys generated by puttygen and I will also add the possibility to create a private key directly inside the App.

      About the connection problem: it looks as if the session is opened correctly and then immediately closed. Can you tell me a bit more about the machine running the SSH server? Which OS and which version of OpenSSH are installed?

      It would probably be better if we continue hunting this problem via e-mail so please write to, if that's ok with you.

      Thanks for your feedback!

      Best regards
