Monday, November 4, 2013

Remote Terminal 1.7.0 now available

This update contains a very important bugfix and one new feature.

Windows 8.1 terminal drawing bug fixed
This bug affected all Windows 8.1 users that used Remote Terminal either with the on-screen virtual keyboard or in snapped mode and caused the terminal screen to turn black every second key press or focus change.
Some DirectX API is behaving a bit different on Windows 8.1 than it did on Windows 8 but actually still in accordance with the documentation. My code just did not handle the new situation correctly.
I'm really sorry for any problems this has caused!

Full CJK character support
I have extended the terminal emulation code to correctly handle full-width CJK characters. Additionally I have added two configurable fonts to the app, which may be of special interest to the CJK users: KaiTi and SimSun. Those two fonts are also the only ones to provide a correct "copy mode" with a mixture of full-width CJK and normal half-width characters because only in those two fonts are full-width characters exactly double the width of half-width characters.

Other changes:
  • Modified the TextBoxes on the ConnectionDataForm for better user experience (turned off text prediction for host and username, set InputScope to Number for the port).
  • Fixed the space characters in the copy mode (they are 0x20 again instead of non-breaking space)
I am also working on a Windows 8.1 build of the app, which will be available soon. The current build is still targeted for Windows 8 and will run in Windows 8 compatibility mode on Windows 8.1.
The most notable change in the upcoming Windows 8.1 build will be support of the new view states. While Windows 8 had either full-screen, "snapped" (320 pixel width at the left or right edge of the screen) and "fill" (the remaining screen next to a snapped app) view states, Windows 8.1 lets users smoothly resize app windows down to an app-defined minimum width and also display more than two apps at once, if the screen size allows it.
The current Windows 8 build of the app will look a bit awkward if sized somewhere between 320 pixels width and the previous "fill" view state because it will always be displayed only 320 pixels wide, like any other app running in Windows 8 compatibility mode on Windows 8.1.

Thanks to all of you for your patience!


  1. What private key format and filename extension does the app require?

    I have been unable to import my key. I have it in both OpenSSH and putty formats but the app shows neither in the Private Keys > Import file listing.

    1. The Private Keys -> Import dialog only lists files with the file extensions .pem, .key or .ssh, please make sure that your private key file has one of these extensions.
      Additionally, the putty format is not supported, but the OpenSSH format should work.

  2. I used the purchased "Remote Terminal" app.
    I happened the error "Cipher method '3des-cbc is not supported' at Surface RT 2.
    But, the error not occured at Surface RT.

    * Surface RT
    OS: Microsoft Windows RT 8.0

    * Surface 2 (RT)
    OS: Microsoft Windows RT 8.1
    Ver: 1.7.0 (latest)

    Please tell me the solution. Thanks.

    1. This shouldn't be happening, I will look into it.

    2. The private key you are trying to load is in format and encrypted with a password. Such private keys are not supported by Remote Terminal at the moment. It's not possible that this key file has ever worked with Remote Terminal.

      Supported are:
      * OpenSSH format with one of those encryptions: DES-EDE3-CBC, DES-EDE3-CFB, DES-CBC, AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC, AES-256-CBC
      * file format without password

      Not supported are:
      * file format encrypted with password
      * PuTTY format

      To check which file format the private key file is using open it with a text editor and check the beginning of the file.

      OpenSSH keys begin with the following line:
      -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- keys begin with the following line:

      PuTTY keys begin with the following line:
      PuTTY-User-Key-File-2: ssh-rsa

      You can use various tools to convert between different private key formats, e.g. puttygen.exe. In any case, it's best to use the OpenSSH private key format with Remote Terminal.

    3. Hi,
      I am trying to import the id_rsa key from my macbook (renamed to .key) but the app crashes when I import this key. What can I do? It's been created (obviously) with open-ssh.


    4. Found out why - the key was stored on a network drive where the user did not have permissions. Maybe you can take this as a bug report - try to import a key from a network drive without rights crashes the app.


    5. I'm glad you could solve your problem and will certainly consider this a bug that needs to be fixed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

  3. Thank you for your advice.

    Certainly, I've been use the private key type of with pass-encoded.
    So I converted the key to no-encoded, and successed to connect the server.

    Best regards.

  4. Any update on the 8.1 version? I'd really love to use it with a 50/50 snap state on my Surface RT :-)

    1. I should be able to finish it between Christmas and New Year, so you can look out for an early January release.
